Otto GRAF GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 2-6
DE-79331 Teningen
Phone: +49 7641 589-0
Telefax: +49 7641 589-50
Managing director
Dipl.Kfm. Otto P. Graf
Trade register
HRB Emmendingen 184
VAT Id no.
DE 141989456
ILN no.
Liability Clause:
We have taken the utmost care in compiling the contents and information on this website. In spite of this we can accept no liability, on any legal basis whatsoever, for the correctness, current validity and completeness of the contents. We reserve the right to change or delete the contents of this website or cease publication altogether at any time. The information contained on this website is designed solely for purposes of general information. It is without obligation and in particular constitutes no binding contract offer on our part. Our general conditions of delivery and payment apply for all our deliveries and services.
Links are provided by Otto Graf GmbH to specialist offers made by external companies. The offerers of these link pages bear the sole liability for their contents and in particular for any damage resulting from the use or non-use of the information offered there.
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